Flex scan cable, for SE950 standard range 1D scan engine, made to fit Symbol® Motorola® MC9000 Series.
Models: MC909X-K, MC909X-S
NOTE: Device must have an "H" in this position: MC909X-KH0XXXXXXXX or MC909X-SH0XXXXXXXX
OEM P/N 15-71317-01
Reference: GL70817
Digitizer, 4-wire, made to fit Datalogic® Skorpio® Series
Opticon® H19 Series
Symbol® Motorola® MC35 Series
Data sheet
Digitizer, 4-wire, made to fit Datalogic® Skorpio® Series
Opticon® H19 Series
Symbol® Motorola® MC35 Series
Flex scan cable, for SE950 standard range 1D scan engine, made to fit Symbol® Motorola® MC9000 Series.
Models: MC909X-K, MC909X-S
NOTE: Device must have an "H" in this position: MC909X-KH0XXXXXXXX or MC909X-SH0XXXXXXXX
OEM P/N 15-71317-01
Overlay kit, set of 3 pieces, made to fit Honeywell© LXE© Thor VM1 Series
Kit includes: 6-key, 7-key and 51-key overlays
Bottom housing, with battery door, made to fit Zebra© MC45, MC4597-AAPBA0000;
Includes screws
NOTE: This item ships from our USA warehouse. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost, duties and taxes.
Aprox- Lead Time: 3 weeks
30-day warranty
Scan engine, Symbol© Motorola©; MC9100 Series; SE960, 1D, Standard Laser, Small Factor
OEM P/N: 20-68960-05
NOTE: This item ships from our USA warehouse. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost, duties and taxes.
Aprox- Lead Time: 3 weeks
30-day warranty
Connector, 4-pin, made to fit Radiant Systems© PC11178 Rev D Power supply board
Main CPU; Symbol® Motorola® MC9060-GJ0JAEA4WW; Main Logic "G" Series, Lorax ID Long Range Scanner, Mono, 32MB/32MB, 53-key Alpha-Numeric, Audio, World Wide, Assy
OEM P/N: U21-64436-01
NOTE: This item ships from our USA warehouse. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost, duties and taxes.
Aprox- Lead Time: 3 weeks
30-day warranty
Digitizer, glass, 4-wire, with foam gasket, made to fit Symbol® Motorola® WT41N0 Series
Versions: 2-Tab, 3-Tab
Made to replace OEM P/N: 8710-050330-59
Keypad kit, set of 3 pieces, made to fit Honeywell© LXE© Thor VM1 Series.
Kit includes: 6-key, 7-key and 51-key keypads
Glossy finish
Flex cable for LCD enhaced version, made to fit Symbol© Motorola© MC9000 Series.
Models: MC9090
Made to replace OEM P/N: 60-87968-01
Digitizer, Standard, dual mode, color, made to fit Zebra®️ MC9300 Series.
Models: ALL
OEM P/N ZBR-K30A-1903
Hand strap, made to fit Intermec© CK31 Series
Models: ALL
Made to replace OEM P/N: 75289
Main CPU, Symbol® Motorola® MC9090-GFOHJGFA6WW;
Main Logic "G" Series, SE1224, LCD, Color: Blue, 64MB/128MB Flash (WM OS only), 53 key VT ANSI, WinMobile 5.0 Pro (64/128 Flash),
Audio/Voice/Bluetooth (WM OS), Worldwide, Assy
OEM P/N: 60-97856
NOTE: This item ships from our USA warehouse. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost, duties and taxes.
Aprox- Lead Time: 3 weeks
30-day warranty
Interface flex cable, made to fit Symbol® Motorola® MC70 & MC75 Series
Models: ALL
Keypad kit, set of 3 pieces, made to fit Honeywell© LXE© Thor VM1 Series
Kit includes: 6-key, 7-key and 51-key keypads
Flex cable, for LCD, made to fit Symbol® Motorola® MC9100 Series.
Models ALL
Made to replace OEM P/N 15-139320-01
Compatible Red scan lens, with frame, made to fit Symbol® PPT8800 Series.